Saturday, January 15, 2022


by Bob Walsh

A few days ago LAPD Officer Fernando Arroyos was murdered buy four gang members while he and his GF were house-hunting.  The LA County Sheriff has approached the feds to go after the shooters, who are in custody, on RICO charges.  These could lead to the death penalty.  The Los Angeles District Attorney, notorious liberal asswipe George Gascon, is livid because he asserts that he was never asked to charge the four.  Gascon is well known for not pursuing death penalty cases and for not going for gang and gun enhancements.  He ran on these issues.  In addition Sheriff Villanueva asserts that they DID in fact talk to the DAs office over the charges before they approached the feds.

The four are members of Florencia 13, a multi-generational street gang that the feds have been looking at in an organized crime investigation.  At least one of the shooters has already admitted to the shooting as part of an ordinary robbery.

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