Saturday, January 15, 2022


by Bob Walsh

The shooting investigation on the set of RUST is still plugging along.  Alec Baldwin swears blind he is cooperating with the investigation but has still not turned his cell phone over to investigators despite a subpoena.  Also the armorer, Hannah Reed, has now filed a lawsuit asserting the ammo supplier screwed up and shipped live ammo to the set.  I have my doubts that will fly.  She is supposed to be the on-site expert.  She should know the difference and all firearms related gear should have gone thru her.  I feel sorry for the young lady but I can't imagine how she thinks that will fly.  

I wonder how long it will be until the cops get pushy and send someone out to seize the phone?  It is probably stashed somewhere where that would be difficult by now, like the bottom of the bay.  Maybe he asked his buddy Hillary how to deal with cell phone subpoenas.   

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Friday Baldwin surrendered the phone. It has not yet been announced what sort of condition it was in when the cops got it.