Saturday, January 08, 2022


by Bob Walsh

SCOTUS had an emergency hearing yesterday on two aspects of Senile Joe's vax mandates, one was the mandate for health care workers in general and the other for large company employees in general, via OSHA.

Court watchers are predicting that there is a high degree of probability that the large company worker mandate will be struck down.  The fact that Joe's major mouthpiece, his Chief of Staff, announced without equivocation that the way they accomplished it was a workaround of the constitution, does not bode well for it.  SCOTUS tends to not like workarounds.

The portion aimed at health care workers did not get real strong support either (based on questions from the court) but was perhaps not as strongly opposed as the large company employee mandate.

Due to the urgency of the situation it is expected the court will expedite a response to the situation. 

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