Wednesday, April 13, 2022


by Bob Walsh
Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin
Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin has resigned following his arrest on multiple counts including bribery, wire fraud and falsification of official records
Until a few hours ago Brian Benjamin was the Lt. Governor of New York.  He may very well be about to become a guest of the state.  He resigned following his arrest.

Benjamin was indicted on multiple counts including bribery, wire fraud and falsification of official records.  He is accused of accepting a relatively paltry sum, $50,000, to fix a state contract.  It is not completely clear if any fraud is alleged during his term at Lt. Governor, an office he has only held for a few months.  Prior to that he was a state senator.  Since the inquiry allegedly goes back as far as 2019 that seems to be where the nastiness originates from.  Some of the questions are centered on dubious campaign donations.  

It seems that a Harlem based real estate developer, Gerald Migdol, was involved in the mess.  He was indicted and arrested last year.  He has pled not guilty and may be rolling on Benjamin for consideration.  

It does not seem that any of Benjamin's peeps were involved in the bribery, at least not so far as anybody has yet claimed.

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