Sunday, April 10, 2022


Christopher Broad Jr: Boy, 16, shot and killed after he and his friends 'tested' bullet proof vests

Joshua Vining and Colton Whitler, both 17, were arrested in connection with the murder of Christopher Leroy Broad Jr 


By Ritika Singh 



April 9, 2022 

Pictured: Joshua Vining, 17, was arrested Thursday and charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child with a firearm
Joshua Vining, 17, was arrested Thursday and charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child with a firearm
Colton Whitler, 17, pictured, was charged with providing false information to law enforcement

Colton Whitler, 17, pictured, was charged with providing false information to law enforcement


A16-year-old boy, Christopher Leroy Broad Jr, was shot and killed earlier this week at a mobile home park while taking part in a bizarre bullet proof vest test that went horrifically wrong, according to police. He and a friend shot each other to see if the bulletproof vest worked. One of the rounds missed the protective cover killing Christopher Broad.

Officers from the Belleview Police Department apprehended the alleged triggermen on Thursday, 7 April. Joshua Vining and Colton Whitler, both 17, were arrested in connection with the murder of Christopher Leroy Broad Jr. The teens have been charged with aggravated manslaughter with a firearm of a youngster and filing a fake report. Officers were summoned at 10468 SE 52nd Court soon after 7pm on April 3, according to Belleview Police Detective Sgt. Michael Miley. When an officer entered the house, he saw Broad on the floor with a gunshot wound to the chest. According to an account, the suspected shooter was performing CPR. He died later at HCA Florida Ocala Hospital.

Police were initially unable to obtain any information because the alleged shooter was "distraught", according to the report. According to police, the youngster accused of filing a fake report initially told a 911 operator that unknown people had shot at Broad's house and injured him in the chest. He told 911 that he had no idea how many people were engaged and that the bullets had passed through the house.

Miley later interviewed the teen. He was treated as a witness because officers didn't know what had really happened at the time. The youngster stated that they were hanging out, when two more pals arrived. According to the adolescent, Broad put on a bulletproof vest and wanted to be shot.

They had already fired at the vest, according to Miley. He claimed that one of the youngsters volunteered to be the shooter and fired several shots at the vest. Broad, he claimed, had then fallen. The boy claimed he removed Broad's vest and discovered he had been shot in the chest. He stated that the two boys who arrived at the apartment then left.

According to the original report, one boy stated that while at the site, he heard gunfire, grabbed a revolver, and fired a shot at a car heading away. He stated that two other individuals who were present at the time of the gunshot had left. The youngster said the rifle he discharged belonged to his father.

The detective was able to locate and interview one of the individuals who was present at the residence. That witness stated that he and another friend were present at the scene of the crime. He informed the detective that he had not witnessed the shooting. He claimed the juvenile detained for the shooting displayed a gun and a bulletproof jacket to them. He said the gunman put on the vest and Broad fired a shot. According to the report, he stated that Broad and the other boy then traded roles.
The witness said, he captured both shootings on Snapchat. He claimed to have erased the video of the fatal shooting. The detective saw the first footage, which showed Broad shooting at the other boy. Miley obtained a search warrant for the incident site on Monday. He discovered two 9mm pistols. Miley then went to the Marion County Sheriff's Office the next day to retrieve the erased video. According to the story, he was able to examine the video on Wednesday, which showed Broad wearing the bulletproof vest. The adolescent accused of the shooting fired one shot. After a brief delay, the shooter fired four more shots.

According to BPD officials, one of the shots struck the victim in an area not covered by the vest. The vest belonged to the accused shooter's father. Following the shooting, BPD personnel met with prosecutors multiple times to go over the details of the case. Both offenders were charged as adults by prosecutors. Miley secured warrants and made the arrests. Both defendants were arrested and taken to the Marion County Jail. According to court records, the suspected shooter was released after posting a $30,000 bond. The second boy's bail was set at $1,000. He was likewise released after posting bond.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Two failures of the Darwin test.