Sunday, April 10, 2022


By Bob Walsh

Some of the talking heads on the right and even some of the legacy media are now talking as if they really believe that Hunter Biden and James Biden may very well be indicted in the not-too-distant future.  I WANT to believe it is true, so I am inclined to believe it is true.
It certainly SHOULD BE true.  The lap top story was BURRIED to help Senile Joe.  The MSM didn't say shit when Biden hid out in his basement for pretty much a full year prior to the 2020 election.  It will be hard (not impossible, but hard) for them to keep pretending that is normal.  
Assuming indictments are forthcoming within say 90 days or so of the mid-term election it will almost certainly be DEVASTATING for the DNC.  It will, however, have one advantage.  It will give them the excuse to drive a stake thru Joe's heart, and Kamala's too.  They will BOTH be associated with what could be the biggest voters landslide since records have been kept.  It would certainly be as bad or worse than the Jimmy Carter pooch-screw.  
It is of course possible that Senile Joe would just pardon them both, saying that they were the victim of a vast right wing conspiracy and witch hunt.  By keeping them out of prison he might very well keep himself out of prison too.  That would of course finish him in politics, but he is so old and brain burnt anyway that that is a gimmie.  
Even little side shows, like the Gascon recall attempt and the Boudin recall attempt would be helped.  A sinking progressive scow will tend to take other progressives along with it to the bottom.  Some of the school board recalls are sort-of a reincarnated TEA party.  IMHO.
Another nice thing is the Democrat-Socialists don't have much of a back bench right now.  If Pete Buttigieg is the best you can do you are in trouble in about 85% of the country.
Wouldn't an unprecedented landslide be nice?  Something that would make Mike Dukakis look like a close second to Ron Regan.  
I can but hope.  And sacrifice a cat or two.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Bob, A cat came across my back patio setting off the camera last night. I would trap it for an extra sacrifice, but they don't mail very well.