Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Yahalom unit increasingly focuses on underground warfare, with Hamas and Hizbullah tunnel threats a regular risk


Yahalom is a special combat engineering unit of the Engineering Corps of the Israel Defense Forces. The name “Yahalom” is an abbreviation of “Special Operations Engineering Unit.”


Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office

Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office

Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office

Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office

The unit's role includes special sabotage missions, demolition and explosion of buildings, sabotage of enemy infrastructure, handling of explosives, preparing explosive devices and bombs, neutralizing enemy explosive devices, clearing complex minefields, locating and destroying terror tunnels. At times, the unit uses robots and many remote controlled devices, without endangering human life.
Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office

Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office

"We're constantly active, conducting security operations on the borders and handling explosives and unconventional threats that are being developed by the enemy," unit commander Col. Yaron Biton said. 
In recent years Yahalom soldiers have increasingly focused their efforts on underground combat and developing new methods to neutralize terror tunnels that penetrate deep into Israeli territory from Gaza and Lebanon.

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