Monday, April 04, 2022


Joe Biden accidentally says Jill was Barack Obama’s VP, net asks 'What is he smoking?’

In his latest gaffe, the President says the First Lady held the position of VP to Barack Obama, net mocks Joe Biden again 


By Srivats Lakshman 



April 3, 2022


FILE - First lady Jill Biden reacts to a question from a reporter at Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport, in Pearl, Miss., on June 22, 2021. Jill when a reporter told her that Joe said she was vice president (ed.)


Almost everyone knows Joe Biden served as Barack Obama's Vice President for eight years, but on April 2, 2022, the President inadvertently said it was Jill Biden who held that post. In his latest gaffe, the President acknowledged Jill was the VP, sending the net into a bit of a meltdown. Biden's critics immediately jumped on the wagon to slam the President's mental health, as they so often have in the past.

Both Joe and Jill Biden have been the subject of gaffes since Biden's campaign for President. In July 2020, while on the campaign trail, it appeared as if Biden introduced Jill as "Joe Biden’s husband Joe Biden." Of course, that wasn't the case, but the lack of audio clarity allowed critics like Donald Trump Jr. to claim it was. In March 2021, the First Lady wrongly pronounced the Spanish term "Si Se Puede" while speaking on the occasion of Cesar Chavez's birth anniversary. 

Biden's gaffes have become a major issue for the White House over the past year, so much so that aides have had to cancel planned press conferences. However, as the leader of the USA, it's impossible to keep Biden away from a microphone, so the occasional gaffe is very likely to slip through, as it did on April 2.

'Deeply proud of when she was Vice President'

The President and First Lady were in Delaware to attend the commissioning of the US Navy's latest submarine - the USS Delaware. The Virginia-class attack submarine was commissioned in Wilmington, where the First Lady was named sponsor of the submarine. As a result, she was very much in the spotlight during the ceremony, including the subject of Biden's speech.

"She always holds our military and their families in her heart. And that is not hyperbole; that's real," said Biden. He then went to misspeak, "I'm deeply proud of the work she is doing as First Lady with Joining Forces initiative she started with Michelle Obama when she was Vice President and now carries on." The White House's official transcript does acknowledge the gaffe, in a rare move, by striking out the "she" and replacing it with "I".

Even though it was just one word, it quickly became the subject of much debate online. Many users were quick to slam the President and continued to demand he be removed from office. Only a handful backed Biden, telling the net to let it go.

'Guy is a joke' 

"Joe Biden is not mentally fit to continue his role as our president. He should be removed from office/power immediately before he blunders something that he can't or his cronies can't "walk back". You can't recover from a word once it's said," one user slammed. Another tweeted, "What does this obviously seriously ill man have to do before the country recognizes the fact that he cannot drive a car much less be President of the United States?" A third trolled, "What he means is Jill calls his shots."

"Master of gaffes: President calls wife Jill Biden Obama's VP in latest blunder//Not even funny anymore-Guy is a goof and President with a cackling idiot in the VP role," one person condemned. Others left comments like "What is he smoking?" and "guy is a joke." 

1 comment:

Trey said...

Ho Hum. Everyone, except other idiots believe Biden is fit to serve.