Monday, April 04, 2022


Doctors Quit America to Help Realize the Zionist Dream

Hundreds of medical professionals will leave more cushy jobs in North America to help significantly bolster Israel’s swamped healthcare system


By Yossi Aloni 


Israel Today

April 4, 2022


Israeli medical staff and professionals meet with US professionals at MedEx Fair


Senior health officials met last week at the initiative of the North American Aliyah organization Nefesh B’Nefesh with 350 doctors, nurses, psychologists and paramedical professionals who wish to immigrate to Israel from North America during the next six months to two years.

This gathering was held in order to significantly shorten – from months to several hours – the bureaucracy that awaits these immigrants and to recruit them in advance for various medical positions in the center and periphery, which will consistitue a significant and immediate boost for the Israeli health system.

These medical professionals are leaving their jobs in North American health systems that offer far more enticing resources and conditions in favor of helping to realize the Zionist dream. As such, Jerusalem is making a big effort to facilitate their rapid and smooth absorption into the Israeli health system.

Founder and CEO of Nefesh B’Nefesh, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass said: “This is a one-time opportunity for a personal and much needed meeting these days between the medical personnel in the field and the top of the health system in Israel. Today, the shortage of specialists and medical staff amounts to thousands. We must work tirelessly to help bring in skilled professionals in order to strengthen the infrastructure of health services in Israel.”

As part of the MedEx Fair where the meeting took place, the participants began the process of converting their medical licenses and gaining recognition for their expertise, as well as conducting rounds of interviews with representatives of the four HMOs and representatives of Israeli hospitals.


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Minister for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee, Oded Forer, who participated in the meeting, added: “We will welcome with open arms immigrant doctors and make every effort on their behalf. I will continue to work vigorously, together with my partners in the government to promote the grant program in order to encourage Aliyah to the periphery of professions in short supply, such as doctors and engineers, and to implement the newly approved budget in favor of grants to physicians and engineers among the immigrants who seek their place of residence in the Negev and the Galilee.”

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