Monday, April 11, 2022


by Bob Walsh

There is a very interesting bill moving thru the legislature of the formerly great state of California.  If passed into law it would require that employers with more than 500 employees do the following.

Cut their work week from 8X5, 40 hours per week, to 8 X 4, 32 hours per week, WITH NO DECREASE IN PAY.  

I have no idea how this would be structured or if it means 500 total employees within the state or 500 at any one location.  I suspect that many colleges and universities have that many employees and single locations.    

I also have no idea if government employers are exempt.  I can think of a LOT of state prison employees who would love this arrangement.  The prison system is one of the few agencies in the state that would have 500 employees at a fair number (30 plus) locations through out the state.

This would presumably drive the Tesla factory and pretty much any other large manufacturing business out of California for good, which is fine with much of the CA legislature.  They believe that big businesses are bad and should be driven out.

The scary-stupid part is that this idiocy made it out of committee.

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