Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Prostitutes gather at World Economic Forum for global elites 


By Justin Cooper 

American Military News

January 17, 2023




Sex workers are standing ready to receive hundreds of top world leaders gathering in the Swiss Alps for the annual World Economic Forum meeting this week.

Various reports in recent days have shed light on how the world’s oldest profession is serving global elites at the meeting in the resort town of Davos, Switzerland, where prostitution is legal. The WEF meets every year in Davos to consider new policies to manage the global economy.

A 2020 investigation by British news outlet The Times found that at least 100 sex workers travel to Davos to ply their trade during the annual WEF meeting.

Ahead of the meeting, the managing director of an escort service based about two hours away said they had 11 reservations and 25 inquiries for the upcoming week, Swiss newspaper 20 Minutes reported.

“I assume that there will be more,” the director said, according to a Google translation. “As soon as a customer books one of our ladies for at least four hours, she drives into the mountains.”

The director said some Davos attendees “book escorts for themselves and their employees to party in the hotel suite,” with the longest-ever booking being three days.

Bild, a German tabloid, reported that it spoke with an escort named Liana about her work at Davos. 

She said that she had an appointment Monday evening with a regular American customer. Charging the equivalent of €2,300 for a full night, she said she dresses to blend in with the business attire some hotels require.

Salomé Balthus, a German sex worker and writer, took to Twitter on Monday to describe her experience first-hand.

“Date in Switzerland during the #WWF means first looking at security guards’ gun muzzles in the hotel corridor at 2 a.m. – and then sharing the giveaway chocolates from the restaurant with them and gossip about the rich… #Davos #WEF,” the tweet said, according to Twitter’s translation of her post.

About 2,700 people are attending the meeting this week, including 11 members of Congress and FBI Director Christopher Wray. The Davos meeting has long been male-dominated, with the number of female attendees usually hovering around 18 to 20 percent, according to POLITICO.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Whores deserve a make a living too.