Wednesday, January 18, 2023


By Bob Walsh


               Selvan Subramanian

Niles Canyon is a really nice place.  It is very picturesque.  It is the home of a well-known ghost.  It was also the home of the earliest California movie studies, before they moved to L.A.  There is also a commuter train that runs thru the canyon.

The train was hit by a landslide this morning.  The train was not derailed.  Nobody was hurt, but the train was jammed.  Last I heard the road thru the canyon was drowned so I am unsure how they will get the people off, but they will manage.  I was on one of those commuter trains when it died in the mud flats area of the S. F. Bay years ago and it had to be pushed to the next station by the next train.  

Also Hwy 99 is closed again between Lodi and Sacramento.  There is a LOT of flood related damage still being dealt with.  Today is supposed to be clear, rain tomorrow, then at least a week of no rain.  

It has been messy.  A WWII bunker on the coast of Marin County actually fell onto the beach after the soil under it was washed away by the current storm.  This big concrete box just laying there at the base of the cliff looks kind of strange.

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