Sunday, June 02, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Juliano Santana 

Juliano Santana, inset, kidnapped his 16-year-old stepdaughter Christina, above, and murdered her before dying by suicide, cops in Massachusetts say. He was already facing charges for allegedly raping her. 


Juliano Santana, 49, of Acton, Mass., was a piece of shit.  She is now a dead piece of shit.  Trouble is, he didn't make the trip alone.

Back in 2021 his step-daughter, then 13, ratting him out for sexually assaulting her.  He was arrested in September of 2021 and charged with six counts of aggravated rape of a child.  He was out on bond with a restraining order and a GPS.  His trial was scheduled to start on July 29 of this year.

On Thursday the piece of shit abducted his step-daughter, the shot her to death.  He then saved the taxpayers some money by shooting and killing himself.

I hope they bury him at the city dump under a pile of dog shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Restraining orders are useless. (USA)