Wednesday, October 09, 2024


By Bob Walsh

a woman is giving a speech with the words what can be unburdened by what has been below her

The View.  60 Minutes.  Colbert.  Cackling Kamala just hit all of them.  The View and Colbert threw her a lot of softballs.  She mostly whiffed.  60 Minutes was respectful but asked her some real questions.  She came up with word salad.  Some of which 60 Minutes clipped from their YouTube version of the show.  Even the Teamsters Union president just blasted Democrats in general, though not Kamala by name.  I am not sure it will matter.

We have become largely tribal.  Roughly 40 to 45% of the people will vote for ANY Democrat.  It doesn't matter who they are.  It doesn't matter what sort of condition they are in.  Roughly 40 to 45% will vote for ANY Republican.  Not so much for Trump maybe, he has a strong NEVER TRUMP opposition, but the general feeling is still out there.

That may to some extent be changing.  Black and Hispanic voters seem to be swinging at least somewhat towards Republicans.  Some may be engaging in critical thinking.  Some may be asking, "What have you done for me lately?"  It is odd, at least to me, but Kamala seems to be polling LESS in some of those critical demographics than Senile Joe did four years back.  There are still the single-issue / abortion voters who will back Kamala, most of who are young women.  There are still the people who want to be able to say they voted for the first woman President.  Those will mostly be young women and the soy milk latte man-bun crowd.  There aren't that many of them, but they are out there.

This election could come down to a few tens of thousands of voters in five or six states.  It could, at least in theory, come down to one vote in Omaha.  

My personal guesstimate right now, based on very little hard evidence and a lot of vibes, much of which may be wishful thinking, is as follows.

I think (maybe hope) that Trump will do it.  I think he will carry Georgia and North Carolina.  I HOPE he will carry Pennsylvania.  IF he manages those three it is almost for-sure in the bag.  I think Arizona and Nevada are very likely going to break for Trump.  Michigan and Wisconsin are still squishy IMHO.  

Kamala is running what might be the worst campaign since Hillary Clinton.  She seems to believe her own press releases.  She thought she could do the hide in the basement and say nothing thing that Joe carried off four years ago, courtesy of the plague.  It looks like she will not be able to pull that off.  She has said she is the change agent.  She has also said that she can not think of anything that Joe did that she would change.  That doesn't compute.  I don't know if the Biden and Obama leftovers in her campaign are deliberately messing with her or what.  She seems to have believed that her coronation as the Democrat-Socialist standard bearer would carry her thru.  Four weeks ago it was happening.  This week its not.  

She wants to spend a shit-ton of money but seems to be unable to comprehend that she needs the help of congress to do that.  Its like she thinks she can wave her magic Black-Indian-Woman wand and it will just magically happen.  She seems surprised that it maybe isn't.  

Hope clouds reason.  Maybe I am whistling past the graveyard.  I don't think I am.  We will find out for sure in less than four weeks.     

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

A Quinipiac poll just released earlier today shows Trump +2 in Wisconsin. A Harris internal poll shows Trump +3 in Wisconsin.