Wednesday, June 13, 2018


by Bob Walsh

William Jerome Broughton, 55, of Orange, Texas, had a very serious laps of judgment a few days ago. He went into as convenience store armed with a toy gun and attempted a holdup. The clerk didn't feel like being held up, and he had a real gun.

So far the authorities are calling it justifiable homicide. Sounds reasonable to me.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Orange, Texas Motto: If ya'll don't have a gun, we'll loan you one.

I had to work in Orange after a hurricane. Most residents that stayed were sitting on their porches with a shotgun or rifle. The police stood in the road at the city limits signs carrying AK47's. Nobody came in unless they were the law or the police knew you as a resident.

The largest Confederate States Monument in Texas was recently constructed in Orange. It can be seen from I-10 as you enter the state from Louisiana.

If these folks don't know you, they may not be friendly.