By Howie Katz
To begin with, I'll confess that I am a never-Trumper. In 2016, America had the two worst choices for president in the history of this nation. I do not believe Trump was ever really serious about becoming president and entered the race only to get the attention this egomaniac craves so much. But then his Republican opponents knocked each other off, leaving him to face the horrible Hildebeast.
I only voted for Trump because the mere thought of having Hillary Clinton as president made me want to puke. This time around, the mere thought of having Joe 'White Obama' Biden or any other Democrat as President also makes me want to puke. But in good conscience, I cannot cast my ballot in November for a president who has become a raving lunatic.
President Trump has been caught telling numerous lies since taking office. That's alright because all politicians lie. But what is laughable is that Trump kept denying that he lied when his lies were caught on TV.
We can overlook his lies because except for his big mouth and angry tweets, he has been a rather good president. He has kept almost all of his campaign promises and he has made America great again after Barack Obama had weakened this once strong nation. I especially like Trump for being the most friendly president of Israel since Harry Truman. Obama, on the other hand, was the most hostile ever president toward the Jewish state and did not hide his hatred for Israeli PM Netanyahu.
Along came the coronavirus pandemic and everything went to pot. America's economy tanked leaving 26 million workers unemployed. You cannot blame Trump for that. But if that wasn't bad enough, Trump kept falling on his own sword by his daily Corona press briefings where he kept putting his mouth in motion before putting his brain in gear.
Among the blunders, without any scientific proof he touted the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a cure for coronavirus, calling it a "game changer."
Then came the mother of all blunders. During the press briefing on April 22, Trump stated that irradiating the bodies of corona sufferers with UV light might cure the virus, and - here is the real whopper - that injecting or ingesting bleach might work. That's right, he said drinking a disinfectant like Lysol toilet bowl cleaner might be a cure for corona.
Here is what he said about the UV light: "Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous – whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light. ... supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do through either the skin or in some other way."
And this is what he said about bleach: "And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks out in a minute. One minute. And there is a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? So, it will be interesting to check that." Yes folks, injecting or drinking Lysol could be a sure cure for COVID-19 ... and everything else that ails you, even cancer and AIDS, because it could kill you.
After being excoriated by the media and countless tweets for suggesting that disinfectants like Lysol might cure corona, Trump said he didn't really mean what he said, that he was only being sarcastic with reporters "just to see what would happen." But that was a big lie! If you watch the video of what he said you can see that Trump was dead serious.
The Democrats are having a field day with Trump's cures and so will the White Obama all through the election campaign.
Trump's friends did not come to his defense. Senator Lindsey Graham, usually a strong defender of Trump, remained conspicuously mute.
And Daily Mail columnist Piers Morgan, who has been a personal friend of Trump for more than 10 years and has blasted the Democrats and the media for their unfair treatment of the president, says the daily briefings are led by a “deluded, boastful, petty and spiteful” president. Morgan called Trump's bleach remarks "batshit crazy" and said: "It's hard to imagine a more stupid thing for a President to say than publicly float a completely unsubstantiated 'idea' like that which will inevitably make some Americans believe having bleach inside them will cure the virus."
And Morgan was right. Poison control centers all over the nation were inundated with calls asking if it was safe to drink Lysol or other toilet bowl cleaners. And because of Trump's idiotic bleach cure, there has been a significant increase in the number of bleach poisoning reports.
Trump did what he always does when anyone criticizes him. He went ape shit over the weekend in a barrage of tweets attacking journalists and the media. He even lashed out at Fox News, accusing the network of repeating Democrat talking points and trying to become politically correct, and calling Fox board member and former House Speaker Paul Ryan a RINO.
The picture with the McAfee Antivirus box is a joke, but the president is clearly going batshit crazy.
Morgan wrote Trump an open letter on Monday, telling the president what he must stop doing and what he should do to save his presidency. He had some good advice, but the only advice Trump listens to is what comes out of his cracked head.
Trump is now acting out of desperation because he has been warned that his presidency is slipping away. At times, Trump is acting like a cornered animal, lashing out at everybody in sight. His aides have told him to tone it down, but instead he has ratcheted it up. Trump has truly become a raving lunatic.
If Trump were to have acted like this as an ordinary citizen, his family members probably wold have had him tossed into a loony bin.
Amazingly, people will still vote for a lunatic when things are going well for them. And they'll vote for demagogues like Maxine Waters, AOC and her squad, Adam Schiff and Sheila Jackson Lee. That's why under normal conditions Trump would have a good chance of defeating Biden. But these are certainly not normal times.
It does not matter how well Trump has handled the pandemic or how much good he has done for the country. In the end it will be the economy that either does Trump in or does it for him. Right now, it doesn't look promising for the president because most economists are predicting that the economy will not make a full recovery until sometime in 2021. And if the economy is poor with a high unemployment rate in October, Trump is a dead duck, even if Biden is senile and incoherent.
I hope and pray that Trump defeats Biden, but I will not vote for a deluded, boastful, petty and spiteful candidate with batshit crazy ideas who has become a raving lunatic.
In November, I would like to vote for another Donald - Donald Duck that is - but with the e-slate voting machines, writing in a candidate is hard to do. If I thought my one vote would make a difference I would vote for Trump, but it won't. So I'll just skip the vote for president, but I will vote for the down-ballot candidates.
Is this the second verse of your Never-Trump song? You wrote your manifesto last week. As a reader let me state that your point has been made...again.
Same song, different verse.
Not really.
One thing I would like to point out Howie. By definition anyone who runs for President in the modern era MUST BE by definition both an egomaniac and a narcissist. Neither means he is a raving lunatic, though I confess Trump does rant to an irritating degree.
Bob, his idiotic corona cures and latest attack tweets are symptomatic of a raving lunatic.
By the way, why don't you promote your Green Death as a corona cure. It's much safer than drinking toilet bowl cleaners.
This Never-Trump obsession is exceeding normal.
No, it's Trump's erratic behavior that is exceeding normal behavior by a country mile and the only way you can defend your beloved nutjob is by discrediting me.
I haven't written anything in defense of our President today. This blog is turning into CNN or MSNBC. You're blogs have turned mostly political. I'm not talking about the posted articles from other sources.
That's right, because in this case you cannot defend Trump. If you didn't think Trump was crazy, you'd be drinking toilet bowl cleaner so you wouldn't catch corona, or if you did, the Lysol would cure it.
Saying that this blog is turning into CNN or MSNBC is not going to change the fact that Trump now appears to be crazy. I hope it's only a temporary condition.
I just sent President Trump's campaign $50 in your name! A gift for both of you.
Gee thanks, but you would have spent your money much more wisely by buying some Kaboom (it works even better than Lysol) instead.
Or a case if Green Death. It doesn't clean anything, but after drinking a case you really don't care.
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