Tuesday, December 08, 2020


President Trump: We need to pass landmark election reform


OAN Newsroom
December 7, 2020

President Trump has called for an overhaul of U.S. election systems. During his Valdosta, Georgia rally on Saturday, the President said he has plans to push forward “critical election reform” to ensure the safety of future elections.

The November presidential election has notably been contested for widespread reports of voter fraud involving issues with state election security.

President Trump expressed concern for voting systems in the U.S. and voiced a desire to push forward legislation requiring voter identification as well as other security reforms.

“And after we win, we need to pass landmark election reform, including voter I.D.,” he stated. “Is that so bad? Residency verification…like we live in the country, we live in this state.”

The President told everyone in the audience they have been a victim of mass voter fraud while reiterating a stolen election will not hurt him, but rather the hard working American people.

To ensure mass fraud will never take place in a U.S. election again, the Trump administration promised to implement citizen confirmation, so illegal aliens will not interfere in future elections. On numerous occasions, the President warned Americans of the high risk of corruption if citizen confirmation or voter ID is not implemented.

Moreover, Democrats have opposed such legislation for decades. Republican’s have argued the high opposition comes from the left benefiting from a lack of voter identification in elections.

Meanwhile, voter ballot rejection rates have been historically low even though there has been a near record breaking number of mail-in ballots.

The President’s administration is tirelessly working to expose the truth and lies surrounding the U.S. election system, while also pledging to rectify the entire voting process and continue to make America great.

EDITOR'S NOTE: What we really need is to put this terrible election outcome behind us! 

But just in case, I have the solution to the dead rising out of their graves to vote.  Pass a law that requires all people who die to be cremated.  That way there will be no new graves for the dead to rise from.  And it will also save their loved ones those expensive funeral and cemetery costs.    

1 comment:

Trey said...

We have a long way to go before this election is behind us. As an American you should demand a thorough investigation. So far we have been taking the criminal's words that all is well. How about requiring a valid US/State ID to verify identity of voters. That's even simpler than cremation.