Friday, December 04, 2020


Why is Europe shedding tears over a man whose greatest desire was to nuke Jews?


By Tsvi Sadan


Israel Today

December 3, 2020


Assuming Israel’s culpability, the European Union this week rushed to condemn the assassination of Iran’s nuclear project manager, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. “This is a criminal act and runs counter to the principle of respect for human rights the EU stands for,” said the EU foreign service’s spokesperson. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrel later sent condolences to the Fakhrizadeh family.

Decent people can’t allow themselves to brush aside the tacit meaning of this supposedly moral stand. Simply put, the EU laments the death of a person whose greatest desire it was to nuke Israel. Unambiguously, the EU condemns those who try to frustrate Iran’s efforts to execute its version of the “Final Solution.” The ashes of millions of Jews are fertilizing Europe’s soil, and now what, more ashes are needed to help Palestine’s desert bloom again? Damn you, EU.

Those who appreciate symbolism should note that Fakhrizadeh was killed on November 27, and the EU condemnation came on November 29, a date that can’t possibly slip Europe’s memory. On this day 72 year ago, the UN ratified Resolution 181, that divided the Holy Land into two states, one Jewish and one Arab (not “Palestinian”). Israel accepted this resolution, thereby becoming a state recognized by the international community.

As we all know, the Arabs rejected the motion and launched an all-out war to nip the prospect of a Jewish state in the bud. This second attempt to eliminate the Jews, that came just two years after the Holocaust, ended in Israel’s resounding victory. What can condemnation of Israel defending itself on this date of all dates possibly mean if not a repudiation of the Jewish state’s very existence?

It should by now be beyond dispute that in the despicable minds of the EU delegates Israel has become a pariah state embodying every conceivable human evil. Today, the EU sees Israel as a white, colonial, racist entity carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people (who have multiplied by the millions since 1948, but so what and who cares). Therefore, for the good of mankind, Israel should at the very least strip itself of any Jewish identity, including Jewish sovereignty in the Holy Land, seen now as a territory taken unlawfully from the indigenous Palestinian people. It is this sense of morality that bring tears to the eyes of Josep Borrel, who weeps at the sight of the corpse of a man who fit Hitler’s mold. Indeed, what a regrettable loss.

The EU is too shrewd to say out loud what its condemnation of the killing of Fakhrizadeh really means – the extinction of Israel/Jews. But others are doing it for the honorable EU, Jewish Voice for Peace among them. On December 15, JVP will host a webinar entitled “Dismantling Antisemitism, Winning Justice.” Among the panelists is US Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who is working awfully hard to establish a Palestinian state where Israel once was, and she will talk about how to dismantle antisemitism. Can it get any more Orwellian than that?

In his column (I am encouraging you to read) published in the JewishPress, David Israel can’t help but note, considering the records of the panelists, that “this JVP webinar with these four participants is a leftist Wannsee Conference.” That Jews are engaging in this kind of horrific endeavor is not the point here. The real point is exposing EU participation in efforts seeking to end Israel’s existence.

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