Tuesday, December 01, 2020


Los Angeles County DA's security officer fires at carjacking suspects near her home


By Brie Stimson


Fox News

November 29, 2020


Los Angeles police probe got underway Saturday night after an investigator with the L.A. County district attorney’s office -- who was working security for DA Jackie Lacey -- fired at suspects who allegedly tried to carjack the security team.

The suspects allegedly pulled up to the security officer's car and tried to break into it after the climbed out of the vehicle near Lacey's home in L.A.'s Granada Hills neighborhood, prompting the officer to fire at them, FOX 11 in Los Angeles reported. 

Neither suspect was hit, according to Los Angeles police, KCBS-TV of Los Angeles reported.

The suspects drove away and were still at large late Saturday, the station reported.

The car was one of two security vehicles parked outside Lacey's home, according to FOX 11

Lacey lost her bid for reelection earlier this month to district attorney-elect George Gascon amid scrutiny for not bringing charges against some police officers involved in on-duty shootings.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Angelenos will regret they elected former San Francisco's cop-hating DA. 

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

If I got this right these guys tried to break into an occupied car with a security team in it, one of the cops fired at them and missed. Maybe she had the second string protecting her since she lost the election.