Friday, December 04, 2020


Bill Barr has not denied or claimed he was misquoted saying there is not enough evidence of voting fraud to change Biden's election win

By Howie Katz

Despite Trump calling the report fake news and reports that DOJ continues to investigate election fraud, Bill Barr has not denied or claimed he was misquoted saying there is not enough evidence of voting fraud to change Biden's election win.

There is nothing unusual for DOJ to continue investigating voter fraud even though what the boss has said.  The DOJ is responsible for investigating allegations of government corruption and voter fraud as they come in.  But as with all the prior affidavits of fraud, DOJ will probably not find any hard evidence to support those claims. 

While Trump swallows and regurgitates false conspiracy theories, he calls any reports he does not like "fake news."  And so it is with Barr's statement.

All along, Bill Barr has been one of Trump's staunchest supporters.  But Trump has a habit of lashing out at anyone who displeases him.  The question now is, will Trump fire his AG?

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