Saturday, December 12, 2020


Just Not The One In America

by Bob Walsh

The more traditional dons at Cambridge University across the pond have prevailed in a fight over updated free speech rules that many said would in fact hvae substantially curtailed freedom of speech.

A group of academics managed to force a vote on three amendments to these rules.  Among other things the original proposal wanted the phrase "respectful of" used in many places of the rules.  That amendments replaced that with "tolerate."  The original proposals were viewed as authoritarian by many.  

The three moderating amendments passed by from 4 to 1 to 7 to 1.  

The university's vice-chancellor, Stephen Trope, after the vote said, "The university will always be a place where anyone can express new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions, and where those views can be robustly challenged.  This statements also makes it clear that it is unacceptable to censor, or disinvite, speakers whose views are lawful but may be seen as controversial.  Rigorous debate is fundamental to the pursuit of academic excellence..."

Now we need a little of that over on this side of the pond.

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