Friday, December 11, 2020


Grits for Breakfast publisher Scott Henson has been screaming for bail reform.  He's getting his bail reform and we are getting fucked.

Along with an increase in murders, bail reform has also resulted in more robberies, burglaries and car thefts.


bob walsh said...

Of course we are getting more crime. You would have to be mentally retarded to think that that would NOT be the outcome of "bail reform."

Trey said...

You get what you vote for. I'd rather eat grits than read Grits for Breakfast and I don't like grits. I like hash browns.

Night before last in Galveston County a black low life who was wanted for questioning for previous shootings in the area and an arson was put down like a mad dog by a La Marque PD officer. The vermin in question jumped from a car and ran from the officer and while doing so he turned and pointed a gun at the officer. The officer's shot was true. He doesn't miss. This was his 2nd shooting/kill in 3 years. The turd was pronounced DRT. (Dead Right There) Other outraged blacks began to enter the crime area and an assist was called in. The crowd was dispersed by multiple agencies. His Mother claimed he wasn't armed and was shot in the back. It didn't wash because the weapon was near the body and another one was found in his car. Video confirms this. DRT's FB page didn't help him as he had photos posted of himself posing armed while making gang signs.

Gary said...

I doubt anyone can actually correlate bail reform to the increase in murders at this point.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Gary, tell that to the people of New York.