Wednesday, December 09, 2020


New Los Angeles Prosecutor Ends Cash Bail For Many Offenses


LAPPL news watch

December 8, 2020

New Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, seeking to revamp the nation’s largest prosecutor’s office with progressive policies, said Monday after taking office that cash bail will be ended for many offenses and sentences in thousands of cases will be reevaluated. 

Gascón, in remarks after taking his oath of office, took aim at his predecessors in recent decades — calling Los Angeles “a poster child for the failed tough-on-crime approach.” 

“The status quo hasn’t made us safer,” he said during a live-streamed ceremony. 

A former San Francisco district attorney and assistant Los Angeles police chief, Gascón has already drawn the ire of prosecutors in his own office, as well as members of the Los Angeles Police Department. 

The Los Angeles Police Protective League, which is for rank-and-file police officers and heavily supported Lacey, blasted Gascón new policies after his speech. 

“As homicides, shooting victims and shots fired into occupied homes soar in Los Angeles, it’s disturbing that Gascon’s first act in office is to explore every avenue possible to release from jail those responsible for this bloodshed,” the union’s board of directors said in a statement Monday. “These victims and law-abiding residents lost a voice today while criminals and gang members gained an ally in the prosecutor’s office.” 




by Bob Walsh

George Gascon, the new District Attorney for Los Angeles County, announced the following immediately after his swearing in on Monday.

His office will no longer prosecute driving without a license cases.

His office will no longer prosecute resisting arrest cases.

Virtually all defendants will be released without demand by the people for bail.

If you are inclined to drive without a license and fight with the cops about it, you should move post haste to L. A.  If you are an ordinary tax paying citizen you can't get a gun permit, so you should get the fuck out of town.

Merry Christmas.  Give me your fucking wallet.

1 comment:

Trey said...

On the up side of the newly elected DA's announcement, U-Haul posted record earnings. Not really.