Thursday, December 10, 2020


Families Of California Shooting Victims Sue Sellers Of ‘Ghost Guns’


LAPPL News Watch

December 9, 2020

Families of people killed and wounded in a rural California shooting rampage three years ago are suing manufacturers and sellers of “ghost gun” kits that provide easy-to-assemble firearm parts that make it difficult to track or regulate owners. 

A pair of wrongful death lawsuits filed last month in separate state courts accuse 13 defendants of negligence, public nuisance and violation of business codes. 

The cases were brought by Brady United, a national nonprofit organization that advocates against gun violence, which said Monday that the suits are the first of their kind in the nation. 

Ghost guns, which are cobbled together with various parts often purchased separately, have long been popular among hobbyists and firearms enthusiasts.

The weapons, which contain no registration numbers that could be used to trace them and require no background checks, increasingly have shown up at crime scenes, gun control advocates say. 

“There is an ample and thriving gun market in this country in which law-abiding citizens can get guns through proper channels. This is an industry that appears aimed at supplying people who can’t legally have guns,” Brady’s chief counsel, Jonathan Lowy, said Monday.


Trey said...

I'm afraid the livestock is already out of the gate. Gun kits have sold millions and the used part market is flourishing. Private sales are not illegal in Texas and a person can go to a gun show and purchase a firearm from an individual walking around. If you are looking for parts try There may be some rule tightening like Clinton did on magazine capacity but anything else and Texans will squeal like a teenage girl on a rollercoaster.

bob walsh said...

Assuming the law is followed this will go nowhere. Of course since this is California nobody knows what will happen. It is sort of like spinning the Wheel of Fortune.