Thursday, December 10, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Some member of the legislature or of the formerly great state of California, from the San Francisco area, is proposing that the MQs be raised in Ca for becomming a cop.  The idea is cops should  be at least 25 or have a 4-year degree.  The reasoning that was given was because such individuals have lower numbers of use of force incidents.

Opposition piped up based on the assertion that "people of color" do not necessarily have access to 4 year degree programs.  One commented on the noon news, I wish I had caught his name, a Black fellow, said (paraphrased0 'Then maybe they should get off their butts and get the degree.'

They want less cops, they want them to do less with less resources and raise the minimum qualifications for the job.  Somehow that does not all line up for me.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Why even talk about police officers with degrees if you want to de-fund the police?