Friday, December 11, 2020


And Armed Good Guys Can Be Handy

by Bob Walsh

A couple of days ago a situation very nearly got very bad for a family in Omaha, but didn't thanks to an armed private citizen who happened to be on the scene.

This family was driving to a Baker's super market in Omaha to get some chow when the drive came uncomfortably close to a pedestrian.  It was dark and the guy was wearing all dark clothing.  The pedestrian, Gregory Netterville, 36, did have the right of way over the vehicle making a left turn.  Netterville was allegedly talking on his cell phone and not paying attention.  Neterville was in the crosswalk but the car did have a green light.  

In any event Netterville was not hit or hurt so the family went on about their business, driving a few blocks on to the store.  It seems that Netterville was angry enough to follow their car to the store.  

Gregory and Samara Lott and their two children went into the store.  Samara went to get a shopping cart.  Gregory is nursing an injured leg and is walking kind of slow and with some difficulty.  All of a sudden Netterville shows up, grabs the shopping cart and slams it into Samara.  Gregory responds to help his wife and is stabbed by Netterville.  Netterville then stabs Samara as well and starts to move on the 12-year old daughter.  

At that time Shay Moss, a private citizen who was legally armed, pulls his gat, draws down on Netterville and orders him to hit the deck. He does so and then the cops show up.  The whole incident shows up on surveillance footage.

Neither child was injured, at least not physically.  Both parents are recovering from their stab wounds. 

1 comment:

Trey said...

Good job! At least the angry guy knew the difference between a knife and a gun.