Monday, December 14, 2020


AG Bill Barr, once one of Trump's staunchest supporters, now at odds with the President

By Howie Katz

Attorney General Bill Barr has been one of President Trump's staunchest supporters ... that is until December 1 when he told the Associated Press that the DOJ had no evidence of widespread fraud in the election.  That pissed Trump off.

Last week it was revealed that in 2018 the DOJ launched a tax investigation into Hunter Biden.  The investigation is ongoing.

Trump was furious with Barr for keeping news of the Hunter investigation secret until after the election.  In a Saturday Twitter storm, Trump lashed out at Barr, demanding to know why he didn't reveal the investigation into Joe Biden's son before the election and retweeting a post calling for the AG to be fired.

Barr brushed of Trump's tweets as a "deposed king ranting."  

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