Sunday, December 13, 2020


Republicans rage! Texas GOP chairman calls for secession, Diamond and Silk demand military intervention, and Rudy Giuliani fumes that it's 'censorship' after the Supreme Court refuses to hear a case to throw out millions of votes


Daily Mail

December 11, 2020 

Donald Trump supporters have voiced outrage after the Supreme Court refused to hear a case to throw out millions of American votes in the election, with Rudy Giuliani raging that its 'censorship', Diamond and Silk asking for military intervention and the Texas GOP chairman calling for secession. 

The Supreme Court on Friday denied a Hail Mary effort by the attorney general of Texas who had asked the court to intervene and overturn the election in four states that went for Joe Biden, dealing a monumental blow to Trump's flailing legal strategy.

The president's loyalists instantly hit out at the decision calling for various forms of drastic action in response.  

Texas GOP Chairman Allen West said some states should break away from the rest of the United States and 'bond together' in a call for secession not seen since the American Civil War while vloggers Diamond and Silk questioned: 'where is the military?' 

Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer and the man who has spearheaded his legal battle against the election result, appeared on Fox News' Sean Hannity to cry 'censorship' and claim the 'facts have been suppressed'.  

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany also joined the show to blast the Supreme Court for 'dodging' the lawsuit and 'hiding behind procedure'. 

Meanwhile, Roger Stone, Trump's former adviser who was pardoned by the president for lying to Congress during its probe into Russia's involvement in the 2016 election, marched through Washington DC in protest with members of the Proud Boys, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled a hate group.  

Texas GOP Chairman Allen West put out a statement suggesting states should secede from the union in response to the ruling. 

'This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable,' West said in a statement after the ruling. 

'Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.' 

His comments were quickly read as a push for secession, what southern states did in the lead-up to the Civil War, in a dispute over slavery.  

Democrat socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocked the idea of a new union being formed tweeting that it would be 'a confederacy of dunces'. 

Vloggers Diamond and Silk, aka Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, also called for drastic action, tweeting a demand for military action.

'If the Supreme Court can't save our Republic, then where is the Military?' they tweeted.

In a follow-up post they added: 'There needs to be a Forensic Audit done by our Military in all the Swing states in question.

'The ballot boxes need to be open, and the Dominion machines need to be examined for irregularities. All Illegal Ballots and Illegal tabulation counts should be removed!!'  

EDITOR'S NOTE: "A confederacy of dunces."  That's the first time I can agree with something AOC has said.



Republican senator Ben Sasse hails Supreme Court for 'closing the book on the nonsense' and slams Donald Trump's conspiracy theories

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse commended the Supreme Court for refusing to take a Texas case that President Donald Trump wanted to use to overturn the results of the presidential election.

The Nebraska senator also mocked the president and his legal team's conspiracy theories used on Trump supporters to call into question the winner. 

'Since Election Night, a lot of people have been confusing voters by spinning Kenyan Birther-type "Chavez rigged the election from the grave" conspiracy theories, but every American who cares about the rule of law should take comfort that the Supreme Court - including all three of President Trump's picks - closed the book on this nonsense,' Sasse said. 


Trey said...

People will continue to stick their head in the sand. Anyone that agrees with an admitted socialist like AOC on anything is wrong to do so. It's coming and you better be prepared.

I believe it will begin with an assassination. Then a martyr will be made. Then more of the same in greater numbers with road blocks and off limit territories. It will be a combination of a race war and a fight for basic freedoms lost. I hope it doesn't happen. The hoarding of guns and ammo is a clear sign of possible insurrection.

Don't believe me? Go try and buy a box of 9mm today. If you don't know someone at the range/store it may be a wait time involved. Even in Texas. Again, I hope it doesn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Please grandpa, tell me another one of your crazy stories!