Tuesday, May 04, 2021


Now that he's gone, former Houston police chief Art Acevedo tweeted this on Monday



May3, 2021 

Here is Acevedo's tweet:
You have a bunch of judges who don’t work and let violent felons in one door and out the other and felony cases including murder languish for years. There are almost ZERO consequences for felons with firearms, Rodney Ellis and his cohorts are behind the chaos! Shattered lives!
EDITOR'S NOTE: Rodney Ellis was a Democratic state senator for 27 years.  The black politician is now the Harris County Commissioner for Precinct 1.  


Trey said...

I wish Art had spoken up about all these problems before he left. Instead I saw him marching with BLM and having his picture taken with Rodney Ellis and George Floyd's family. Seems like he always took the path of least resistance while he was in Houston. Adios, Art!

Gary said...

Wonder if he's as big an ass in person as he appears to be?

bob walsh said...

Many big city chiefs are essentially political whores who forgot where they came from.

Trey said...

I worked for a few Chief's who did the right thing. No, they weren't perfect people but they looked out for the troops. They were loud and autocratic but I always knew what they wanted and they never dropped cops in the grease. This was back when loyalty and good character were
sought after. Political correctness wasn't even a thing. I once saw the Mayor tell a Chief he wanted an officer fired. The Chief refused and when the Mayor left told me to get the dumb ass (officer) to the office. The officer was suspended for 15 days but the Chief called in a favor and got him a part-time job while he was off. He said, "His wife and kids didn't do anything wrong." This officer 10 years later was appointed Chief of Police.