Thursday, September 02, 2021


QAnon believers spread CRAZY theory of Hurricane Ida being man-made state conspiracy


By Sayantani Nath  



September 1, 2021 



QAnon supporters believe that Donald Trump will stop the 'deep state' from creating major natural events like Hurricane Ida 


                      The eye of hurricane Ida as seen from space

QAnon conspiracy theory supporters, most of whom are avid supporters of former President Donald Trump, have now come with yet another bizarre conspiracy theory. This time, they are spreading rumors that the devastating Hurrican Ida was a man-made deep state conspiracy theory that affected hundreds. However, their belief fails to explain the deaths resulting from Hurricane Ida and its aftermath in different states. 

Through social media platforms like Parler and Gab, the QAnon followers are propagating the idea that Hurricane Ida was an idea invented by the Biden administration to draw attention away from the ongoing Afghanistan crisis. In the past, the infamous conspirator group has spread false rumors that the Democrats lead crime and child sex trafficking rings or that the 2020 presidential election results were botched. With regards to the new Hurricane Ida theory, the QAnon group claims that Donald Trump is working hard to "take down this deep state". 

What is the QAnon Hurricane Ida Theory?

The "deep state" concept is not new for QAnon conspirators who propagated the idea following Trump's vehement disregard for the 2020 Presidential election results last year. It has been one of the founding theories of the conspiracy group, which claims that the White House is being run by a "deep state".

Time and again, the conspirators have correlated major events, including natural disasters to this deep state, asserting that all these are attempts to distract the Americans from the audit of election votes. QAnon supporters believe that Donald Trump will soon expose the fraudulence behind all major happenings and finally return to power as President. 

According to The Sun, one person claimed that Hurricane Ida was a "Man-made storm from the Deep State Cabal" while another condemned the Liberals saying, "Disgusting distraction they are creating!"

"Look throughout history. When the deep state cabal is about to be exposed something big related to weather happens as a major distraction to flood (no pun intended) the news cycle. Wake up people," another supporter said. 

One of the followers brought forth the idea of 'weather manipulation' by the 'deep state' bigwigs, saying, "It is 'mathematically impossible' that Gustav, Isaac, Harvey, and Ida all hit the US on August 29 in 2008, 2012, 2017, and 2021 respectively. The Deep State has been manipulating and controlling the weather for decades." 

The claims appear to be unfounded since the hurricane and storm season in the US arrives around the same time every year, determined by the earth's air currents and jet stream.

The QAnon supporters became a laughing stock on the internet as many Twitter users made fun of their bizarre ideas and refuted their unscientific claims. 

BBC's Alistair Coleman tweeted, "QAnon latest: Hurricane Ida was created by the Deep State as a distraction for [checks notes] something. Fact-check: No."

"It was me. I did the hurricane," Radio host Ryan LaCroix joked.

"Y’all so if this is true then Hillary not only eats babies, she also controls the weather with her “weather manipulation” machine. These people need serious help," a user tweeted. 

Another user proposed, "QAnon and Proud Boys need to hold a rally in New Orleans to fight off Hurricane Ida."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Jeff James who lives in Seminole County, Floria claims vaccines are a "Deep State conspiracy to depopulate the world."

1 comment:

Trey said...

What a load of Horse Shit.