Saturday, December 23, 2023


By Bob Walsh

The San Jose is considered to be the Holy Grail of ship wrecks.  The treasure on board the wreck, which went down in 1708, is estimated to be worth upwards of $15 billion.  There were 200 tons of gold, silver and jewels on board.  It was discovered in 2015 but its location never revealed to the public to discourage looters.  The wreck is said to be in good shape (considering it blew up before sinking) and cannon as well as gold coins and gold bars can be seen laying about.  The names and dates of the makers can still be read on the cannon.

The wreck is 2,000 feet down.  This discourages unwanted critters and marine growth.  Two other wrecks were located nearby but are not thought to be of any significant monetary value.

Columbia claims ownership of the wreck, which is located near the Baru peninsula to the south of Cartagena.  However the ship belonged to the Spanish navy when it was sunk by the British.  Under prevailing international law Spain owns the wreck and it's contents, not Columbia.  UNESCO has advised Columbia to NOT salvage the wreck.  Columbia doesn't give a shit and have asked a salvager to register their interest in recovering the vessel and the treasure.  They have a loose navy patrol in the area to protect their interests.   

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