Monday, December 25, 2023


By Bob Walsh


 Snake Hiss GIF - Snake Hiss Strike GIFs


Snake bites can be fatal.  Also they can be hellishly expensive to treat.  The anti-venom normally costs several thousand dollars per vial.  A new oral drug has recently been developed called Ophirex.  It is a pill the bite victim takes immediately after being bit and it neutralizes many of the more nasty components of the venom very quickly.  Assuming the article got it right it is undergoing phase II trials now. If you enjoy walking around in areas where venomous snakes can be an issue this might be something you should look into.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a childhood friend who suffered a snake bite and lost his leg up to the knee. Copperheads are the worst around the Coastal Plains in Texas because they are very hard to spot. The most aggressive snake in Texas is the Water Moccasin which has been known to chase a person for a short distance. The deadliest snake is the Coral Snake but it isn't aggressive. Rattlesnakes are seldom aggressive and will sometimes warn a person with their unique rattle. However, the Rattlesnake can become very large especially on the West Texas Frontier. I live in an area where you don't reach into a pile of wood or under a structure without checking for snakes. Having dogs usually lessons the chance of finding a snake in the yard. It would be nice if a person could take a pill for snake bite.