Sunday, July 28, 2024


By Bob Walsh


An Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll showed 46% of respondents, if they voted today, would support Vice President Kamala Harris to 51% for former President Donald Trump.


I am old enough I have solid memories of the JFK-Richard Nixon contest in 1960.  I remember it was, IMHO, decided by a relative triviality.  JFK looked good in a blue suit and had professional makeup.  Richard Nixon needed a shave, looked like shit in a brown suit and had the general appearance of a second-rate used car salesman.  People who listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon won.  People who saw the debate on the TV thought JFK won.  Presentation matters to voters.

It seems that every second or third presidential election is billed as monumental with an outcome that will define the country for the next decade. 
This one almost certainly WILL actually be one such election.

Donald Trump has been President once already.  He did NOT try to put Black people back into slavery.  He did NOT set up concentration camps.  He did NOT attempt to imprison his political opponents (and a real careful IRS investigation of the Clinton Foundation might have done just that).  He sent mean tweets.  He also appointed some very solid strict constructionists justices to the Supreme Court and backed his nominees when things got fractious.  He might not be a good man, but he was at least a good and maybe a very good President.

Kamala Harris is a hard-core liberal.  She backed defunding the police.  She PERSONALLY raised money to get arsonists out of jail.  She is at a minimum a useful idiot for Iran and Hamas and is very likely a serious anti-Semite.  She has been a huge proponent for CA. Proposition 47, which essentially legalized theft in CA.  She has no problem with this country being overrun by illegal aliens and seems more interested in giving them government sponsored programs, such as taxpayer funded health care, and in getting them legalized so they can vote than in defending our borders and enforcing our laws.  

There was no way in hell that Joe Biden was going to beat Donald Trump.  

I am not sure Kamala can win, but Trump could still lose.  I hope he can manage to tamp down his natural combativeness and fight SMART rather than reactive.  Kamala does have a record even though the mainstream media is trying hard to ignore and bury it.  It is out there.  Attack her record.  Everybody knows she is a DEI hire.  No need to hammer it into the ground.  Joe Biden said up front that he was going to put a "woman of color" on the ticket.  That was his FIRST minimum qualification for the job.  Competence had nothing to do with it.  Skin color and anatomy had everything to do with it.

This election, like virtually every other, will be fought in the middle.  There is roughly 10-12% of the voters (some of who are actual live citizens) out there that are genuinely persuadable.  You need to get out your base (which the Democrat-Socialists are very good at)  and try to bring those people in the middle along with you.

Kamala has 100 days to show how much of an idiot she truly is.  That means Trump also has 100 days to step on his dick.  

I would declare the first Trump presidency a win for the country if for no other reason his Supreme Court appointments.  They truly will make a difference for decades.  The next administration, whatever it is, will likely have the chance to make one or two Supreme Court appointments.  Who would you rather have making those appointments?

Elections are decided by those who show up.  Get your ass out and vote.  Unless you are a Democrat-Socialists.  Then you can stay home and smoke pot and watch The View for the next 100 days.  You have my permission.    
EDITOR'S NOTE: Your best post to date. Let's hope Trump doesn't step on his dick.

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