Wednesday, July 31, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Oceanside Police Cruiser. Photo by Chris Stone


This little morality play ran it's course in Oceanside, CA last night.  It seems that the bad guy, age 22, tried to enter at least five different homes in the area before picking on one on Diamond Circle.  He in fact entered a home and confronted the resident, who is 54-years old.  The young bad guy was carrying a rock and a sharp stick.  He threw the rock, striking the resident in the face.  The resident concluded that he was in danger and put three rounds from the Glock into the assailant.  Bad guy fled the house.  The responding cops found him in the yard, deader than dog shit.  Neither name was released, nor was the name of the woman who was present at the home at about 0700 in the morning.  

CA law creates the presumption that a person who forcibly enters your home is there to do you harm and that deadly force is an appropriate response.  It is a rebuttable presumption but it is there.  Also the force required to forcibly enter a home is minimal.  Damaging something is not needed.  The force needed to turn a doorknob and open a closed door is considered a forcible entry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rock VS Glock. (USA)