Tuesday, August 15, 2017


by Bob Walsh

There were several groups interacting in Charlottesville over the weekend. On one side was the Traditional Workers Party (thinly disguised white racist asswipes) the American Nazi Party (not even remotely disguised white supremacists) and the KKK (in-your-face asswipe racists). They applied for a permit to protest pending city action aimed at removing a statue of Robert E. Lee from what was formerly known as Robert E. Lee part. The ACLU entered into the fray ON THEIR BEHALF. The night before the confrontation they got their permit. THEY HAD A FUCKING PERMIT. UP TO A POINT AT LEAST THEY WERE LEGAL.

On the other hand was the various "Anti-Fa" groups. They are liberal fascists opposed to conservative fascism. They are so absolutely convinced that they are right and everybody else is not only right but is evil that they believe it is their right, duty and obligation to interfere with the opposition by any means possible, including violence. THEY DID NOT HAVE A FUCKING PARADE PERMIT.

The cops handled it badly. The city administration handled it badly. The whole thing was a Chinese Fire Drill (is that racist?) in which one woman died, murdered by one of the racist asswipes, and several more people were injured.

Asswipes have a right to be asswipes. Racists have a right to be racists. If a judge ordered the city to give them a parade permit the city has some obligation to protect them. The city didn't. I grant you they may have been agitating for a fight. They may have wanted a fight. They may have been willing participants and even instigators. I don't know. I do know that UP TO A POINT the racist asswipes were the good guys in that they were obeying the fucking law and the AntiFa asswipes were the bat guys in that they were attempting to impose their political point of view on others by force and intimidation.

Their all asswipes, both sides. That doesn't mean they share equal responsibility.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Yes, all saw the two typos. My bad. I should knock off the Green Death while I am typing.