Friday, July 31, 2020


by Bob Walsh

We are getting into the time frame where even the NetFlix / Instant Gratification crowed will remember some stuff long enough for it to have an effect at election time.  

We are now more or less officially in a recession.   New jobless applications are spiking.  Congress is still fighting over how much money to give away to people who have been made jobless by Covid-19.  Businesses are closing, many permanently, at an increasing rate.

Some things are, however, stable.  Joe Biden came out of his bunker for a "press conference" with friendly reporters who were apparently asking pre-approved and maybe scripted questions.  Joe could not remember where he was (he was in his home town) or what year it was.  Strangely the MSM missed reporting on that.

The A. G., Bill Barr, appeared in front of congress to answer questions.  The Democraps screamed semi-questions and accusations at him (mostly accusations) and then pulled the time rug out from under him, not allowing him to answer.  He pointed out to them that he was there to answer questions under oath and it was not helpful if they refused to actually give him the time to answer questions.  The MSM, which is functionally the propaganda arm of the DNC, seemed to have other things that needed to be covered whenever the Republicans were interacting with Barr.

There is one interesting idea floating around.  Delay the election until the Covid-19 thing is over and we can get to conventional in-your-face voting.  Personally I think that is a fair idea.  I figure about four years should be enough time for the ravages of Covid-19 to withdraw from our society.

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