Monday, July 20, 2020


President Trump defends the freedom of people not to wear masks

By Howie Katz

Last week, President Trump told reporters that people should be free not to wear masks.

What an idiot!

Just about all the epidemiologists and other health experts say that the only way to get COVID-19 under control is for everyone to wear a mask and to practice social distancing.

But our president knows better.

64 percent of Americans distrust how the president has been handling the coronavirus pandemic.  A new Fox News poll released Sunday morning shows that 47 per cent of registered voters feel that Biden is mentally sound enough to serve as president.  But only 43 per cent of the 1,104 respondents say Trump has the mental soundness to serve effectively in the White House.  And Fox News showed Trump having a 45% approval rating and a 54% disapproval rating.   

But our president knows better.  He says all those polls are fake and claims that his own polls show him trouncing Biden.

His own polls?  They must have been conducted by the tooth fairy.

The Confederate flag has become a symbol of slavery and hatred of blacks.

But our president knows better.  Last week Trump defended Confederate flag wavers as just good old boys showing their pride in the South. 
Trump keeps falling on his own sword.  That's why the idiot is likely to be a one-term president.

Back to the masks.  The blockheads who refuse to wear masks keep spreading the virus.  Many of them are Trump supporters.  Those blockheads are too stupid to realize that by continuing to spread the virus, they are helping to defeat Trump.  If the pandemic is still around in October, Trump is a dead duck.


Trey Rusk said...

If President Trump isn't elected this Fall it will be the end of Democracy in the U.S. Polls can't be relied upon as factual. Remember the last Presidential election?

bob walsh said...

Part of Trump's latest message about masks concerned federal mandates. I agree in that I don't think he has the authority to issue a federal mandate on mask wearing. Also, it would be stupid. Wearing a mask in urban NYC makes sense. Wearing a mask in East Nowhere, Wyoming, where you interact with more elk than with people is probably a waste of effort. Sometimes the local authorities really do know what they are doing.