Tuesday, December 01, 2020


by Bob Walsh

The talking heads are saying the Donald Trump plans to announce for 2024 while Joe Biden is being inaugurated.  I hope it isn't true.  For one thing it would be really tacky.  For another I think that Trump is now past his "best if sold by" date, or at least will be in four years.  He would do better for the country and for himself to get behind somebody like Nikki Haley early and strong.  He won't (probably) but he should.  

Of course there is always the chance that Trump will pull if off this time around.  There is also a chance the sun will rise in the west tomorrow morning.  I expect the two probabilities are about the same.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Unlike some people who are fixated on voter fraud conspiracy theories, you are dishing out a dose of reality.
This month the world has been watching Trump turn into a delusional lunatic.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Yesterday, President Trump announced that this story was indeed fake news.