Friday, December 04, 2020


by Bob Walsh

OK, I saw the surveillance on this.  It is from Georgia.  Fulton County (I think).  They announce that counting will stop for the night.  All the people in the observation area are chased out.  Then the four women in the counting room walk over to a table that has no obvious purpose, no work being done on it, with a floor length table cloth on it.  They bring out a number of what look like wheelie suit cases, take ballots out of them and begin to run them thru the machines. 

Unless this tape is a total fake it is very hard to explain this as other than deliberate, gross fraud.  There is no reason for legitimate ballots to be transported in personal luggage, then hidden until the witnesses are out of the room.  There is no reasonable legitimate reason for the poll watchers to be chased away after the officials announce counting will stop for the night, and then counting begins on the ballots that were in the suit cases.

This does not pass the smell test.  This seems to be in-your-face fuck-you fraud.  I can think of no other reasonable explanation for it. 

EDITOR'S NOTE; Fraud or not, get ready for the inevitable disastrous Biden-Harris administration.  

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

I strongly suspect you are right Howie.