Tuesday, December 01, 2020


The President not only lost the election, but he has also lost his mind


By Howie Katz


Big Jolly Times

November 30, 2020

It is really sad to see a President who accomplished much good turn into a delusional lunatic.  Columnist Piers Morgan says "As someone who likes him personally and sees many qualities in him that his enemies refuse to admit exist, it's increasingly sad and pathetic to watch."

Ever since November 3, Trump has let loose a barrage of tweets in which he referred to conspiracy theories that claimed the election was stolen from him.

On Sunday, during an interview with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo, the President really went off the rails.  Trump accused the FBI and the Department of Justice of "maybe" being involved in a "total" voter fraud.  Trump also claimed that "most Democrats" believe Biden won because of "election fraud"

The FBI and DOJ helped rig the election in favor of Biden?  Most Democrats believe Biden won because of voter fraud?  That's simply batshit crazy. 

Trump now claims he actually won the election by a landslide.

Was there voter fraud in the election?  Of course there was.  There is voter fraud in every election.  But was the voter fraud so massive that it stole the election from Trump?  There simply is no evidence of that.

Some 30 lawsuits have been filed in state and federal courts seeking to have the election results overturned.  Almost all of them have been dismissed for lack of evidence.  In one suit, Justice David Wechtof the Pennsylvania Supreme Court wrote, "They have failed to allege that even a single mail-in ballot was fraudulently cast or counted."  And in another suit, Federal Appeals Court Judge Stephanos Bibas wrote, "Calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Christopher Krebs was director of DHS' Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency before Trump fired him for failing to back the President's stolen election claims.  Krebs says "We can go on and on with all the farcical claims that-- alleging-- interference in the 2020 election, but the proof is in the ballots. The recounts are consistent with the initial count, and to me, that's further evidence, that's confirmation that the systems used in the 2020 election performed as expected, and the American people should have 100% confidence in their vote." 

Trump and those who believe his conspiracy theories about election fraud, badly need a dose of reality.  On December 14 the electoral college will declare Biden the winner of the presidential election.  And on January 20 their worst nightmare, including mine, will come true with the inauguration of Biden as President and as Vice President the woman who is only a heartbeat away from the presidency.

And instead of Trump being recognized as the president who made America great again, historians will describe him as a man who became a lunatic during the last weeks of his presidency.   


Trey said...

You should change your blog from BarkGrowlBite to The Never-Trumpers Blog. This is a re-hash of articles from last week. Move along folks. Nothing new to see here.

bob walsh said...

I don't agree with you on this one Howie, at least not totally. Trump REALLY BELIEVES he got screwed over, and there is some reason to believe he is right. In addition, he really was subjected to a completely bullshit years-long investigation that cost millions of dollars that had no legit predicate for it other than to make him look bad and try to remove him from office. Maybe he's entitled to think the Democraps are out to get him because maybe they are. There is some pretty scandalous stuff going on out there. Like, for instance, one of the senior tech reps for the Dominion voting machine people in Pennsylvania had been the staff photographer for the Kamala Harris presidential campaign. When you see enough stuff like that you start to wonder just what the hell is going on.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Trey, first of all, Trump's crazy shit about the FBI and DOJ, and his absurd belief that the Democrats think he won, is new, not a rehash.

Second of all, you are so blinded by your worship of Trump that you won't let yourself see that he has lost his mind.

And Bob, most of what you say is true, but that doesn't change the fact that Trump has turned into a delusional lunatic.

Anonymous said...

You can always trust Howie for a well reasoned argument with up to date facts and information. Said no one. Ever. Grow up little man.

Trey said...

It's not President Trump's mind that worries me. Piers Morgan story: 11/27 Re-hash, FBI, DOJ: 11/29 Re-hash, Chis Krebs story: 11/27 re-hash. Witness statements and other evidence: 11/27 rehash. Your opinion about the election fraud: almost daily re-hash. Come on, man. And you call President Trump delusional...again: 11/29.

My loyalty to President Trump is not worship. However, it is patriotic. I refuse to daily trash talk our President.

BarkGrowlBite said...

My loyalty is to America! Your loyalty is to a president who is going batshit crazy. And you cannot disguise your worship of Trump by calling it patriotic.

Anonymous said...

Methinks it is You who is going batshit crazy little man.

Trey said...

Anonymous, I hope that's not true.

bob walsh said...

I am fairly sure Howie isn't crazy. Maybe a little meshugana around the edges, but not crazy. He views Trump's rants as unhinged. I think they are understandable. That doesn't mean they are not unhinged. IF he turns out to get zero play from the courts and the electoral college does it's thing and he STILL rants, them maybe I will have to rethink my position.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Anon, you can say I'm batshit crazy. You can call me any number of insulting names. I've been called all of them many times. But that 'little man' crack pisses me off.

I served as a US Army soldier in the Pacific during WW2. I was a street cop, a warrior in the War on Drugs.

What war did you serve in? How many thugs have you battled on the streets? Go fuck yourself, big man!

Trey said...

Anonymous, You don't know anything about Howie. As a young man he was also a prize fighter and I'll wager he can probably hold his own against a below the belt hitting, piece of shit like you. Insults without a relevant comment comes from serious lack of good character. There is no point in arguing with you. You do a fine job of proving your complete ignorance on your own. Now, Howie has given you a task. Get to it!

Anonymous said...

Howie's comments speak for themselves. Any rational and unbiased observer would conclude the same.