Monday, December 07, 2020


By y Bob Walsh

In less than one year we have developed an extremely effective vaccine for the Covid-19 virus.  It will probably begin shipping this week.  
Much of the credit for this belong to Donald Trump, though Joe Biden and his bought dogs in the media will largely ignore it.  He was the guy who streamlined the process and guaranteed a federal market for the vaccine.  Thanks largely to Trump we will have a large chunk of our population vaccinated within about 14 months of the recognition of the outbreak.  That is truly remarkable.  
And the Trump haters are still squawking about not taking the vaccine because they want to believe that it is more important to denigrate the president than it is to not die.  Stupid fucks.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I have to disagree with what you said in the last paragraph. 

The reason that people don't want to get vaccinated is because they fear the vaccine may have serious side effects since it was developed so quickly.

55 percent of NYC firefighters will refuse to be vaccinated because they don't trust the safety of the vaccine ... and they are not Trump-haters.


bob walsh said...

I grant you that many anti-vaxers, or non-vaxers, have what they believe are valid non-Trump reasons for their beliefs. To my way of thinking that makes them stupid fucks, but not necessarily anti-Trumpers. I could have expressed that much more clearly. In my mind, for what my thoughts might be worth, being opposed to vaccination is like being opposed to gravity. It is there and it works whether you "believe in it" or not.

Trey said...

Bring on the vaccine!