Sunday, December 06, 2020


The President continues to cling to conspiracy theories of massive voter fraud and claims he actually won the election by a landslide

By Howie Katz


Big Jolly Times

December 5, 2020

It is awfully sad to see a great president turn into a delusional lunatic.  President Trump kept almost all of his campaign promises.  He really made America great again after Barack Obama had undermined our immigration laws, attempted to erase our national borders and appeased our foreign enemies. 

Trump rescinded Obama’s business stifling regulations. His policies resulted in one of the most robust economy this nation has ever experienced. Trump withdrew from the Paris Accords, the climate change agreement that would have seriously damaged our economy.  He withdrew from Obama’s disastrous Iran nuclear deal which allowed the Islamic state to acquire nuclear weapons down the road.  Whereas Obama rewarded Iran by releasing $400 million of Iranian funds that had been frozen in US banks, Trump imposed tough sanctions on the Ayatollah led regime.  And unlike Obama, Trump did not appease foreign leaders who had an axe to grind with the US.

Then along came COVID-19 which destroyed Trump's robust economy and cost millions of Americans their jobs.  Trump handled the pandemic rather poorly.  Instead of following the recommendations of scientists, he openly repudiated them.  Instead of encouraging people to wear masks and practice social distancing, he flaunted those practices.  If it had not been for the pandemic, Trump would likely have been reelected.

Trump would have had a great legacy had he accepted the outcome of the election.  But instead of recognizing him for his many accomplishments, historians will describe him as a president who turned into a delusional lunatic.

QAnon and InfoWars along with other conspiracy theory websites have filled the internet with false claims of massive voter fraud.  Trump swallows and regurgitates these theories.  He insists the election was stolen from him and that he actually won by a landslide.

Because of the election,Trump has become irrational, releasing a barrage of daily overnight tweets in which he lashes out at anyone or anything that displeases him.  He has been especially angry at Republican governors and state officials for not challenging the election outcomes in their states.

Trump's lawyers and some Republican lawmakers filed 46  lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the election.  Most of those lawsuits were based on affidavits sworn to by "witnesses" who claim to have observed voter fraud.  The affidavits were not backed up by any credible evidence.  Almost all of the lawsuits have been dismissed by the courts for lack of evidence. 

Most of the reputable lawyers who initially represented Trump have withdrawn from representing the President.  That has left Trump with a bunch of crackpot attorneys.

Rudy Giuliani used to be highly respected.  Lately, as the leader of Trump's legal team, he has held some bizarre press conferences.  And he showed a video which he called a "bombshell" to a Georgia legislative committee in an attempt to overturn that state's election outcome.  Giuliani claimed the video proved the election in Georgia to be a fraud.  That bombshell turned out to be a dud.  Georgia's Republican secretary of state said he had already investigated  the 'bombshell' video and that it shows nothing out of the ordinary.

Trump lawyer Joe diGenova really lost it by declaring that fired cybersecurity chief Chris Krebs "should be drawn and quartered; taken out at dawn and shot" for saying the election was the "most secure in United States history."

Then there is Sidney Powell, a real crackpot.  Powell is a follower of QAnon and has repeated many of its wild conspiracy theories.  She was part of Giuliani's legal team until she declared the election was rigged by a cabal consisting of George Soros, the Clinton Foundation, Antifa, “communistic” actors in Venezuela (including late Hugo Chávez), Cuba, China and thousands of election officials from both parties.  Even Giuliani couldn't stomach that and removed her from the team.

But Powell continues her efforts to overturn the election, declaring she will "unleash the Kraken."  Powell clams the Dominion Voting Systems machines were programmed to flip votes from Trump to Biden.  She unleashed the Kraken in lawsuits filed in Georgia and Michigan.  But her Georgia filing states Dominion Voting Systems machines took 2.5 per cent of the state's votes "from Mr. Biden and flipped them to Mr. Trump for a more than 5 per cent fraudulent vote in crease."  Apparently, the Kraken must have betrayed Powell.

On the other hand, Attorney General Bill Barr has told the Associate Press there is not enough evidence of voting fraud to change Biden's election win.  Trump called the report fake news, but Barr has neither denied making that statement nor claimed he was misquoted.

And Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump's most ardent supporters, acknowledged on Friday that Biden won the election.  Conway who clashed with her Trump-hating husband and daughter, said "If you look at the vote totals in the Electoral College tally, it looks like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will prevail. I assume the electors will certify that and it will be official. We, as a nation, will move forward, because we always do."  Conway also pledged to work with the Biden team, saying "If there's anything I can ever do to help, they can count on me."

So when will Trump realize that conspiracy theories and crackpot lawyers cannot save his presidency? 

The decent thing for Trump to do is to concede the election, invite Joe and Jill Biden to the White House, and attend Biden's inauguration ceremony.


Trey said...

OMG. Not again. Rehashed rhetoric from last week. Another stale blog BGB? This horse is dead but the beatings continue.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Trey, you need to extract your head out of Trump’s ass! Then when you see daylight you’ll realize that Trump’s presidency will end on January 20, 2021.