Thursday, January 21, 2021


Biden redecorates Oval Office

By Howie Katz

One of Biden's first acts as president was to redecorate the Oval Office.  Gone was a bust of Winston Churchill that Trump had paced in the office after Obama had dumped it.

Churchill statue put back in Oval Office is not British | Daily Mail Online 
Churchill's bust was replaced by busts of Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez.
The great Winston Churchill must be persona non grata with Obama and Biden because the then British prime minister refused to appease Adolf Hitler and instead declared war on Germany when the Nazis invaded Poland. 

Busts of Martin Luther King Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt and Robert F. Kennedy are also on display.

Holy shit!  There's no bust of Barack Obama.  I wouldn't be surprised if the White Obama is having a full-sized statue made of the Black Obama to place alongside of his desk.

President Trump had hung a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office.  That was dumped too. Heaven forbid, we can't have the portrait of a slave owner in the president's office.

Chavez's bust in the Oval Office really infuriates me.  When I was with the Riverside Sheriff's Department we had to deal with Chavez's union members who destroyed the crops, farm implements and livestock of farmers who refused to hire his union members.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Caesar Chavez was a shake-down artist and a gangster-thug. Many people here in Ca think the sun rose out of his ass. That is NOT to say he didn't do some good for his people. He did. Al Capone did some good for some people too. Also not to say that Farm Workers were not getting the stinky end of the stick. They were. That doesn't make him a good man or a nice guy.