Saturday, January 23, 2021


Crenshaw: Biden’s Keystone, Paris Climate Policies Help Chinese Manufacturing, ‘They Can Keep Polluting While Our Economy Gets Hurt’


By Ian Hanchett



January 22, 2021

On Friday’s broadcast of “Fox News Primetime,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said that President Joe Biden’s orders on the Keystone XL pipeline and Paris Climate Accords are going to increase manufacturing in China, who “can keep polluting while our economy gets hurt.”

Crenshaw said, “So, listen, here’s what it comes down to, if you’re going to claim that you’re the party of the American working class, you actually have to support working.”

He added, “Also, it’s bad for the environment. Listen, the radical left doesn’t really care about the environment. This is really about the culture war to them. And for them, fossil fuels are just evil. They don’t know why. They don’t have to tell you why. You’re stupid if you ask why. But they just want to tell you they’re evil. Now, the truth is, when you build pipelines to transport oil and gas, you’re doing it in a much cleaner and safer way than say, transporting it by truck or by train. You’re also helping North American energy independence, which is what our Canadian friends are alluding to. Because if we’re not producing it and if we’re not exporting cleaner produced oil and cleaner produced natural gas to the rest of the world, you know who is? Russia, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and they all do it dirtier than we do. So, because of Joe Biden’s policies, you’re actually going to see an increase in global emissions. You’re going to see an increase in manufacturing over in China. The Chinese love this stuff. Because they love selling us their solar panels and their wind turbines back here so that we clear our land, build a bunch of transmission lines, and screw up our energy independence. This is what they love seeing. They love seeing the Paris Climate Accords going forward. Because they can keep polluting while our economy gets hurt.”

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