Wednesday, January 27, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Senate Bill 260, if passed into law, would require that any business operating in the formerly great state of California that has more than $1 billion in gross revenue must publicly disclose their carbon footprint and take active steps to reduce carbon emissions.  The California Air Resources Board would have power to enforce this law.

Senator Scot Weiner, (D-SF), asserts as fact the notion that climate change poses a major threat to the state and that therefore the government MUST take major steps to reduce that threat.  (Too bad he can't compel the ChiComs or India to do likewise.  That is where the pollution is coming from.  It is not mostly home-grown.)

This will would give these evil corporate bastards until 2025 to start knuckling under or else.  They would be required to use an independent third party to conduct and audit their carbon output.  I wonder if he is planning to go into the carbon audit business after term limits eventually nail his ass?
EDITOR'S NOTE: Welcome to Texas which doesn't buy climate change and won't tax the shit out of you.  

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