Every inch of American soil was stolen from the Indians who were forced onto reservations that barely sustained life and they are truly suffering because of it today
By Howie Katz
Big Jolly Times
January 31, 2021
When I wrote my article about Sheila Jackson Lee's Second Amendment shredding Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act, I mentioned that she also introduced H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act.
While Jackson Lee's crazy gun control act is not likely to see the light of day, her reparation bill has a good chance of passing in the Democrat controlled House. Although H.R. 40 does not call for reparations, the commission to study them is the precursor for doing exactly that.
You can bet the commission will recommend the payment of reparations on the grounds that today's plight of African-Americans is the result of slavery and Jim Crow laws. In other words, those blacks who are living near or in poverty are poor because of slavery and Jim Crowism. One could even say that the Bloods, Crips and other black street gangs are shooting up black neighborhoods because of slavery.
But if we pay reparations to blacks for the wrongs whites exacted on them, what about the American Indians? Every inch of American soil was stolen from them by whites. In the Western United States, the government forced them onto reservations that barely sustained life. And they are truly suffering because of it today.

I've been to several Indian reservations in Arizona and Riverside County, California and the living conditions there are absolutely deplorable.

How about the Irish? They were discriminated against badly. It was common to see NINA (No Irish Need Apply) on help-wanted signs and ads. I promise if I get my reparations I will spend in on potatoes and beer so it won't go to waste.
Look at Fat Albert's comment on BJT to see who else he thinks would qualify for reparations.
If it wasn't for beer, the Irish would rule the world!
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