Saturday, February 25, 2023


By Bob Walsh

Metropolitan Police Department says there have been 82 carjacking so far this year, with 63% of them involving guns and only 14 arrests.Metropolitan Police Department says there have been 82 carjacking so far this year, with 63% of them involving guns and only 14 arrests.

This little morality play went down about 0830 in Washington D.C. in a fairly quite residential neighborhood.  A 15-year old punk armed with a fake gun tried to carjack a woman known locally as "Grandma" who was climbing into her car to drive to her Chemo appointment.  

The punk jumped into her car and demanded her keys.  She declined and started screaming her head off while at the same time trying to pull the punk out of her car.  Neighbors responded and the punk tried to run.  He was no better at running than he was at carjacking and got the shit beat out of him for his trouble.  The victim even helped throw his ass into the ambulance.

The unnamed thug was not known in the neighborhood.   

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