Thursday, February 23, 2023


By Howie Katz


Presidents Day


George Washington and Abraham Lincoln

Congress threw a bone to black Americans by establishing a Martin Luther King holiday. In order to accommodate MLK, they had to make room for him. Congress did so by eliminating the birthday holiday for Abraham Lincoln and, instead, celebrating it together with George Washington Day.  Liberals prefer to call it President's Day. 


MLK most certainly deserves his place in history, but at the cost of Lincoln? I don't think so.


I wouldn't be surprised if some day congress established a George Floyd holiday. They just have to find a current holiday to eliminate - probably Columbus Day.


The Best President


Harry S. Truman became president during WWII. He ended the war by dropping nukes on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman has been much condemned for resorting to the A Bombs, but if we had invaded Japan instead, it would have been at the cos of thousands and thousands American lives.


Truman also showed Gen. Douglas MacArthur who was the actual Commander in Chief by firing his ass for disobeying orders. That took a lot of guts because MacArthur was favored by many to be the next president.


Truman's foreign policies made for a better world. The most criticism he received was for publicly calling columnist Drew Pearson a son of a bitch for trashing daughter margaret Truman's piano performance.

The Most Unqualified President


Barack Obama

Barack Obama was undoubtedly the most unqualified president in American history. 


Did Obama have any executive experience? No! Did he have any foreign policy experience? No! Did he ever serve as much as one day in the military? No! Obama was a community organizer (troublemaker) and one-term US senator before being elected president.


Obama's crowning achievement was a nuclear agreement with Iran for which he gave the Ayatollahs $400 million in cash and which allowed them to develop nuclear weapons in the future anyway.

The Untouchable President


The color of his skin made Barack Obama untouchable. 


The slightest bit of criticism directed at America's first black president was and would be labeled as being racist.

The 'War on Cops' President

Barack Obama, along with Joe Biden, has been the most anti-police president. 


Obama started the war on cops following the arrest of his friend Harvard professor Henry Lois Gates in 2009. Given the occasion, Obama accuses the police of systemic racism.

The war on cops that Obama started continues unabated under Biden's administration.  


The Unhinged President


US President Donald Trump speaks with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a meeting at Winfield House, London on December 3, 2019. - NATO leaders gather Tuesday for a summit to mark the alliance's 70th anniversary but with leaders feuding and name-calling over money and strategy, the mood is far from festive. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

President Donald Trump did make America great again. His policies, both foreign and domestic, were badly needed and he deserves to be commended for them. Unfortunately, President Biden has reversed most of them.


On top of all the good he did, Trump became unhinged at times. He used tweets to make personal attacks against his critics instead of attacking the criticism. Those tweets cost him the independent vote which is crucial in any election.


His behavior and actions upon learning he had lost to Biden, and afterwards, were not those of a sane person.

The 80-Year-Old Not-Senile President


Biden GIF - Biden GIFs
At 80-years-old, President Joe Biden is the oldest president ever. He moves slowly and sometimes awkwardly. He gets confused at times about where he is and with whom he is. Biden is also prone to experience short-term memory losses. These problems have convinced many people that Joe is senile. I have some friends who you cannot convince otherwise.
I have always maintained that Biden is not senile. Short- term memory loss, a slow gait, occasional stumbling, and confusion are all common to elderly people, but that does not necessarily make them senile. 
Biden has just returned fro visits to Ukraine and Poland. In Warsaw he gave a rousing speech against Russian President Vladimir Putin and the war against Ukraine. And he did not have to use a teleprompter. That speech should have put the conjecture of senility to rest.
As for Biden's presidency, it's one of the worst in American history. In Kamala Harris, he picked the dumbest and most embarrassing vice president ever. His border policy - that is if he actually has one - has been an utter disaster. Biden has continued Obama's war on cops. He has reversed most of Trump's commendable policies. And Biden's chief foreign policy aim is to maintain Obama's Iran nuclear agreement legacy.

UPDATE February 24, 2023: I watched this evening's ABC News during which David Muir interviewed President Biden at the White House on a number of issues. The segment lasted about 20 minutes and Muir did not pitch any softballs. Biden answered every question clearly and with  hardly any hesitation.

Biden demonstrated that he is not senile and anyone who still thinks otherwise needs to have his own head examined.

The Next President
I have long advocated a Nikki Haley presidency. In my opinion, Nikki is by far the best candidate the Republicans have to offer, better than Ron DeSantis or any other prospective GOP candidate.
Nikki's executive experience as governor of South Carolina and her foreign policy experience as Trump's ambassador to the United Nations make Nikki the most qualified candidate in either party. 
I would like for Nikki to pick former Navy SEAL, now Congressman Dan Crenshaw as her vice president.
I probably won't live long enough to see who gets elected our next president, but America will be blessed with President Nikki Haley.

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