Tuesday, February 21, 2023


By Bob Walsh


Then Assemblymember Rob Bonta looks on as his wife, Mia Bonta, speaks during a community event on April 18, 2021 in San Leandro, days before his confirmation as California Attorney General. Photo by Anne Wernikoff, CalMatters

Mia Bonta (D-Oakland) is a member of the CA State Assembly.  She is also the spouse of Attorney General Ron Bonta.  She is the head of the subcommittee that oversees his budget.  She didn't see any problem or possible conflict of interest in that.  

Finally, after catching a lot of heat even from her supporters, she announced yesterday that she will recuse herself from "matters pertaining directly to the Dept. of Justice."  I guess she probably finally figured it was better to be like Caesar's wife.

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