Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Christians Set the Record Straight on Huwara Riots

Local Christian social media personalities provide first-hand account of what really happened when Jews stormed violent Palestinian village.


By Ryan Jones 


Israel Today

Huwara has been the scene of numerous fatal Palestinian terror attacks. On Sunday, local Jews finally struck back.


The Israel Guys are a group of young Christian social media personalities who live in Samaria, where the ministry they are part of helps local Jewish farmers harvest their lands in accordance with biblical prophecy (see Isaiah 61:5).

When they heard that the “Jewish street” had finally exploded after years of enduring incessant Palestinian Arab violence, they headed out with their camera to the flashpoint village of Huwara.

Huwara is situated on Highway 60, and Jewish motorists must traverse it to travel from southern to northern Samaria.

On Sunday, a Palestinian terrorist took advantage of that fact to mercilessly execute two Israeli brothers, Hallel and Yagel Yaniv, as they drove through the town.

It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and hundreds of local Jewish residents responded by marching on Huwara later that evening.


Hallel and Yagel Yaniv’s parents and siblings weep as they are laid to rest in Jerusalem. The murder of the two men aroused fury among the Jews of Samaria. 

Unsurprisingly, the mainstream international media painted the development as an unprecedented act of Jewish “settler” violence and offered nothing but condemnation.

But The Israel Guys noted that the media got some things wrong, and left out others.

  1. Most of the fires seen in the photos and videos shared ad nasseum on social media were set in junk yards. The cars seen burning were for the most part run down and rusted and not in use.
  2. While there was a group of younger Jews running around throwing stones and setting fires, including to a handful of houses, many, if not most of the Jewish demonstrators were peaceful, including families with young children.
  3. The Israeli authorities will and already are bringing those who engaged in property damage to justice.

More importantly, the Christian YouTubers highlight the shameful efforts to draw moral equivalence to which we have become so accustomed.

The media headlines and statements by world governments are designed to suggest that the deaths of 11 Palestinian terrorists killed days earlier in an IDF arrest operation are equivalent to the murder of the Yaniv brothers. And that the subsequent Jewish “riots” were in turn at least as bad as the terrorist shooting.

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